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Prince’s Bay Homes for Sale

Prince’s Bay, Staten Island NY, is a neighborhood situated on the South Shore of Staten Island. Development in this area began when Staten Island Railway service extended to the area in 1860. The area primarily served as a fishing village where oysters were most popularly harvested. Prince’s Bay uniquely offers stunning beaches, waterways, and wildlife through the variety of parks in the area. Families looking for a spacious and peaceful setting should check out homes for sale in Prince’s Bay. The neighborhood’s wide tree-lined streets, spacious yards, and stately homes make this neighborhood ideal for any family.

Prince’s Bay real estate may be the best way to experience Staten Island’s southshore, its stunning beaches, waterways, and wildlife. Make sure to visit Prince’s Bay to truly take in its wide, tree-lined streets, spacious yards, and stately homes.

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Prince’s Bay Real Estate

Design styles in Prince’s Bay vary, but overall the homes available tend to be on the larger side. Here one can find many fine homes for sale above 4000 square foot in size. Some of these are old fashioned Colonials, finished in white clapboard, with symmetrical facades, sash windows, exterior shutters, ornate porticos, and dormer windows.

Other large homes in Prince’s Bay are narrower, with exterior accents in cobblestone or brick, under-stacked garage entries, bay windows, prominent entryway columns, and raised front porches.

Some more examples include idiosyncratic new-traditional details, like quoins, Tudor facades, and Classical pediments. As for the last of these, in the southern portion of Prince’s Bay, the real estate market incorporates a number of new-Classical designs, characterized by wide flat roofs, tall entryway columns, and arched Romanesque windows.

Moving further down the market, potential home buyers in Prince’s Bay can find numerous split-level, shingle-over-brick split-level carriage houses, as well as simple bungalows in redbrick and white trim.

Other areas include simple new-traditional cottages in a variety of styles, semi-attached duplexes, and the odd townhome complex. These properties are fantastically affordable for the space they provide, and, in many cases, their more modern construction promises added efficiency, comfort, and convenience.

Overall, people love the homes for sale in Prince’s Bay due to their modern look, the quiet setting, and the large parks in every direction.

Prince’s Bay Area Information

Prince’s Bay is a community on Staten Island’s south shore, between Huguenot and Pleasant Plains. Other neighboring communities include Woodrow to the north, and Annadale further east.

The borders of Prince’s Bay are roughly the Korean War Veterans Parkway to the north, Sharrott Avenue to the west, Wolfe’s Pond Park to the east, and the shores of Prince’s Bay to the south.

Residents in Prince’s Bay can access the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge to Brooklyn in a little over 20 minutes, or Newark, New Jersey in less than 30 minutes.

Prince’s Bay Parks & Recreation

At first glance, Prince’s Bay appears to be a neighborhood consisting of more parkland than roads or buildings. And this impression is not far from the truth, as the area boasts some very large greenspaces indeed.

Bloomingdale Park

North of the Korean War Veterans Parkway, this 138-acre park features sports facilities, a dog run, and lots of wooded land.

Wolfe’s Pond Park

Extending over Hyland Boulevard on the community’s eastern edge, Wolfe’s Pond Park has a beach, BBQ area, a playground, multiple sports facilities, and ample parking at its southern end.

Lemon Creek Park

Looking out over Prince’s Bay, near the marine and Seguine Point, this park boasts a wide open field with adjoining playground and pavilion.

More Prince’s Bay Parks:

The Lemon Creek Tidal Wetlands Area, Woodhull Park, and the unnamed greenspace extending from the Dorothy Fitzpatrick Fishing Pier to the Lemon Creek inlet.

All these parks make Prince’s Bay an excellent area for appreciating Staten Island’s wildlife, particularly the many species of waterbirds that living in the area.

Prince’s Bay History

Once a fishing village famed for its large, delicious oysters, Prince’s Bay gradually evolved into a relatively up-scale residential neighborhood over the years. Now, there are still many historic homes in the area, and the trend towards bigger and more spacious properties has been maintained.

The Seguine Mansion, for example, is a historic mansion near Seguine Point, now opening onto a large equestrian center. Parts of this property date back over 300 years. Walking tours are available – conducted by the Preservation League of Staten Island – for viewing some of the areas more historic landmarks.

Curious about Prince’s Bay homes for sale? Contact your Preandamano Real Estate agents to learn more about living in the area and which housing opportunities will best suit your lifestyle.