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Grymes Hill Homes for Sale

On the East Side of Staten Island lies Grymes Hill. This neighborhood boasts mature tree-lined winding streets, stately homes, over 100 acre’s of space dedicated to Wagner College’s campus, and magnificent views of the Manhattan city-scape all lie atop the hill. With a friendly atmosphere, close proximity to the Staten Island Expressway, and to some of Staten Island’s most beloved parks, Grymes Hill makes a wonderful family neighborhood. Grymes Hill homes come in the form of condominiums, apartments, luxury homes, vintage bungalows, and even some modern architecture. Check out Grymes Hill homes for sale or apartments for rent to see some of these architecture styles.

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Grymes Hill Real Estate

Residential properties in Grymes Hill are mostly private, detached residences. Many of these were constructed for wealthy area businessmen in the early to mid 20th century.

The area displays an eclectic mix of architectural styles spanning American design trends from the 1920s onward. For example Craftsman, Foursquare, Tudor-revival, and various Victorian and Colonial revival styles can all be found in Grymes Hill.

The hilly terrain has necessitated an irregular layout, uncharacteristic of many other New York neighborhoods. The distinctly wooded character of the area means that many properties boast mature trees along with regular visits from the native fauna.

The sloped terrain has also resulted in yards with terraced layouts, and many prominently raised front porches with stairs leading down to the sidewalk. However, even with these landscaping challenges, a significant number of properties in Grymes Hill incorporate generously sized in-ground pools.

The area’s most prestigious properties are located along the northern portion of Howard Avenue. These are some of Staten Island’s most luxurious homes, providing impressive views, stately facades, and even the odd carriage driveway.

Grymes Hill also has a lot to offer those with a tighter budget. For example, just north of the Wagner College campus, Grymes Hill Apartments and Grymes Hill Manor Estates include hundreds of 2 and 3 bedroom units in classic redbrick, reminiscent of America’s Federalist building style.

A few highrises along Grymes Hill’s southern edge complete the package for the full spectrum of housing options. And near Cebra Avenue on Grymes Hill’s north end, newer condominiums are available.

Learn More About Grymes Hill

Grymes Hill is a neighborhood located on and around a hill of the same name. The area is just north of the I-278 on Staten Island’s east side.

The boundaries of Grymes Hill are generally accepted as Van Duzer Street and Richmond to the east, Clove Road and the I-278 to the south, Victory Boulevard to the west, and either Cebra Avenue or Louis Street to the north.

Neighboring communities include Silver Lake, Tompkinsville, Stapletown, Clifton, Fox Hills, Park Hill, Concord, Emerson Hill, and Sunnyside.

Residents in the area enjoy quick and easy access to the I-278, which travels east over the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge to Brooklyn. The ferries to Manhattan are also just a short distance away on Staten Island’s northeastern shores.

Grymes Hill has the second highest point on the island, providing excellent views of the surrounding area and the bays. This complicated terrain, in conjunction with the large Wagner College Campus, have combined to preserve many wooded spaces and mature trees in the area.

Grymes Hill Amenities & Attractions

There are many reasons to visit Grymes Hill, and many reasons to stay. To begin with, the area ranks highly among New York neighborhoods for safety. It also lies extremely close to both Silver Lake Park and Clove Lakes Park, two impressive complexes featuring a golf course, sports facilities, wooded trails, and a number of scenic lakes.

As small as it is, Grymes Hill hosts two institutions of higher learning: Wagner College, and a branch of St. John’s University.

And Clove Valley School along Grymes Hill’s western edge is one of the highest rated elementary schools in the area.

Curious about Grymes Hill homes for sale? Contact your Prendamano Real Estate agents to learn more about living in the area and which housing opportunities will best suit your lifestyle.