Manor Heights Homes for Sale
Situated on the North Shore of Staten Island lies Manor Heights. Manor Road, a major corridor through North Shore runs adjacent to the neighborhood which is the origin of the neighborhood’s name. Like many other neighborhoods on Staten Island, Manor Heights experienced major population growth after the construction of the Verrazano- Narrows Bridge. The neighborhood is mostly made up of modest sized one family homes. Check out Manor Heights homes for sale to take a peek into the neighborhood.
Manor Heights is a neighborhood located in Staten Island. Manor comes from the fact that the neighborhood is adjacent to Manor Road, a major thoroughfare in the North Shore of Staten Island, and Heights due to the area’s sudden elevation within its boundaries. The neighborhood’s loose boundaries include the areas south of the Staten Island Expressway, north of Brielle Avenue, which is the location of Susan E. Wagner High School, to the west of Manor Road, and to the east of Bradley Avenue. Manor Heights is serviced by many local and express buses. Bus routes are the S54, S57, S61, S91, X10, X11, and X31, with local buses being prefixed “S-” and express buses being prefixed “X-“.

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About Manor Heights
The name of this neighborhood, Manor Heights, is a perfect example for how you can make your home stand out. The area’s proximity to major thoroughfare like Manor Road and its elevation give it an edge over other areas in Staten Island with lower lying ground, as they are prone to flooding during heavy rains or snowfall events that cause river overflowing onto nearby streets.
The area quickly populated with the rapid growth of Staten Island’s population caused by its proximity to New York City. The neighborhood consists primarily one-family homes, which have been there since before World War II when they were first built as large boarding houses catering towards factory workers who worked on post war ships docked at docking facilities near Midland Avenue and Bay Street; Manor Heights is home today to Susan E. Wagner High School opened in 1968 for these children growing up fast without enough space or schools close together because everything else was being developed outwardly from this location during an era where land plots cost much more than what people could afford now due both development pressure and high prices imposed following hit the New York Building boom.