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Grasmere Homes for Sale

Located on the eastern shore of Staten Island lies Grasmere. This neighborhood is dynamic as it is crossed by two major roads but maintains its quiet suburban character. The neighborhood and surrounding areas are adorned with ponds and small lakes that only add to the prestige of the area. The neighborhood has always been one of the most prestigious communities on Staten Island, with the zone around Brady’s Pond being particularly affluent. Homes for sale in Grasmere right now range in price from around half of a million dollars to the low millions. Whether you are looking for a house or even an apartment, like Grasmere Gardens, this neighborhood has it.

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Showing 1-12 of 31 properties in Grasmere
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More About Grasmere

The quaint and quiet neighborhood of Grasmere on the East Shore has retained its quiet old world character despite being crossed by major roads. First settled back when New York was still called “New Netherlands,” this area has fortunately not altered too much else in order to preserve what makes it special: tranquility!

A.J., the second drummer for Twisted Sister and One Day At A Time’s Glenn Scarpelli was born on West Fingerboard Road in a house that still stands there today. Aniello Dellacroce who became one of New York’s most powerful mob bosses resided at Grasmere during his life until he died when it fell under state government control after being incorporated into Unalakleet from 1879-1966 . In television, Matthew Mirones , former President of The Civic Association has lived here since 1985 where seems like every other person you talk too knows somebody related to him or know someone close by themselves because they grew up with so many families living around each other.

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