95 Montgomery Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301
Other - 10301
30Building Sqft
About 95 Montgomery, Staten Island
Established custom woodworking business for sale with all equipment. After 24 years in business the owner will connect you with designers, contractors, and suppliers. The space is large enough to accommodate milling, assembly, and finishing on different projects at the same time. Upgraded electric service is now 3 phase 400amps allowing all equipment to be run simultaneously. Equipment includes fork lift, copy lathe, jointer, planer, panel saw, table say, router, molder with many molding profile blades. 10 year lease available with the landlord and subtenant in place for a portion of the rent.
Facts & Features
Subtype | Other |
County | Richmond |
Tax Abated | No |
List Price per Sqft | $30 |
Zoning | C4-1 |
Electric | 220 Volts |
Heating System | Other |
Air Conditioner | Units |
Area | St. George |
Year Built | 2001 |
Building Sqft | 30 |
Sewer | City |
Heating Source | Forced |
# of Heating Units | 1 |
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Listing Office: Reliance Realty One