245 Richmond Valley Road, Staten Island, NY 10307
About 245 Richmond Valley, Staten Island
This wonderful bakery is known for its high-quality, handmade products which has earned a strong reputation in the community and a loyal, growing customer base. This charming bake shop has established itself as a local favorite, with a wide variety of freshly baked goods that keep customers coming back day after day. Offering delicious cookies, artisan donuts, flaky pastries, seasonal delectables, and custom gourmet cakes, this bakery is known for its exceptional quality and warm, welcoming atmosphere. The bakery comes with state-of-the-art equipment, including ovens, mixers, refrigerators, freezers, cookie machine, proofer, and display cases—everything needed to operate smoothly from day one. A clean, modern kitchen is ready for both large-scale production and artisanal baking. Whether you're an experienced baker or an entrepreneur looking for a turnkey business, this bakery offers an exciting and rewarding venture.
Facts & Features
Subtype | Food and Beverage |
County | Richmond |
Tax Abated | No |
List Price per Sqft | $419.3 |
Zoning | M1-1 |
Electric | 220 Volts |
Heating System | Forced |
Air Conditioner | Central |
Area | Richmond Valley |
Taxes | 17184 |
Year Built | 2020 |
Building Sqft | 419.3 |
Sewer | City |
Heating Source | Natural Gas |
# of Heating Units | 2 |