96 Victory Boulevard, Staten Island, NY 10301
Commercial - 10301
397.24Price per SqFt
1810Building Sqft
About 96 Victory, Staten Island
Mixed use building for sale! One family with one storefront which is currently a florist renting out for 2260 and the 3 bedrooms apartment is renting for 1550 with no lease. Very busy street and great investment!
Facts & Features
Subtype | Commercial |
County | Richmond |
Lot Size Sqft | 1238 |
Tax Abated | No |
List Price per Sqft | $397.24 |
Zoning | C2-1 |
Electric | 220 Volts |
Heating System | Hot Water |
Air Conditioner | Units |
Area | Tompkinsville |
Condition | Good |
Lot Dim | 16.5X75 |
Taxes | 4250 |
Year Built | 1931 |
Building Sqft | 1810 |
Siding | Block |
Sewer | City |
Heating Source | Natural Gas |
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