62 Tiber Place, Staten Island, NY 10301

$1,300,000 Residential - 10301
79.75Price per SqFt
16300Lot Sqft
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Angela Roseo

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About 62 Tiber, Staten Island

If you're searching for custom residential lots for sale that are located 10 minutes in driving distance away from Brooklyn & 30 minutes to Manhattan, you've come to the right place. These 2 custom lots being offered for purchase are as unique as your vision allows! Build 2 new custom homes or combine the lots and build your ''Dream Estate''

Facts & Features

Subtype Residential
County Richmond
Lot Size Sqft 16300
Tax Abated No
List Price per Sqft $79.75
Zoning RES
Area Todt Hill
Lot Dim 99x164
Taxes 18414
Sewer None