48 Cedarcliff Road, Staten Island, NY 10301

$149,500 Residential - 10301
30.21Price per SqFt
4949Lot Sqft
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Angela Roseo

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About 48 Cedarcliff, Staten Island

4949 square feet of raw land (must be sold with 40 Cedarcliff Road MLS# 2404665) for a total of 10,546 sq feet.. Lot is located on Cedarcliff Road, a quiet residential street with a beautiful view of the Verrazano Bridge, surrounded by million dollar homes. R-2 Special Hillside district. Potential to build a single family home (5,300 sq feet plus basement)or two single family homes (2500sq feet, plus basement). No representations, please consult your architect.

Facts & Features

Subtype Residential
County Richmond
Lot Size Sqft 4949
Tax Abated No
List Price per Sqft $30.21
Zoning R-2
Area Grymes Hill
Lot Dim 50.91x104.25
Taxes 771
Sewer None