830 Howard Avenue, 7g, Staten Island, NY 10301
Apartment - 10301
421.91Building Sqft
About 830 Howard, Staten Island
This beautiful Condo is conveniently located at the base of Grymes Hill. It is in excellent condition with new bathroom and kitchen. Hardwood floor in Living and dining room. This is a handicap accessible building which features an elevator and intercom/security system. Close to all transportation to Brooklyn and Manhattan.
Facts & Features
Subtype | Apartment |
County | Richmond |
Lot Size Sqft | 794 |
Garages | None |
Basement Type | None |
Tax Abated | No |
Style | High Rise |
List Price per Sqft | $421.91 |
Bedrooms | 1 |
Total Bathrooms | 1 |
Zoning | R3-2 |
Appliances | Refrigerator |
Electric | 220 Volts |
Heating System | Hot Water |
Air Conditioner | Units |
Area | Sunnyside |
Condition | Excellent |
Lot Dim | 794 |
Taxes | 3122 |
Year Built | 1981 |
Building Sqft | 421.91 |
Full Baths | 1 |
Siding | Brick |
Sewer | City |
Heating Source | Natural Gas |
# of Heating Units | 2 |
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